10. Persons who, on 1 September 2005, have successfully completed(1) the first 9 modules of the vocational studies diploma (Intervention en sécurité incendie) are deemed to be holders of a Pompier I certificate and an Opérateur d’autopompe certificate awarded by the school;
(2) the courses in the Gérer l’intervention profile forming part of the Gestionnaire en sécurité incendie attestation of college studies awarded by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie are deemed to be holders of an Officier I certificate awarded by the school;
(3) the Gestionnaire en sécurité incendie attestation of college studies awarded by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie are deemed to be holders of an Officier II certificate awarded by the school;
(4) module Number 6 entitled Matériel d’intervention relatif à l’eau forming part of the Intervention en sécurité incendie vocational studies diploma are deemed to be holders of an Opérateur d’autopompe certificate awarded by the school;
(5) module Number 15 entitled Véhicules d’élévation forming part of the Intervention en sécurité incendie vocational studies diploma are deemed to be holders of an Opérateur de véhicule d’élévation certificate awarded by the school;
(6) module Number 24 entitled Incendies et accidents de véhicules forming part of the Intervention en sécurité incendie vocational studies diploma are deemed to be holders of a Désincarcération certificate awarded by the school; or
(7) the course entitled Recherche de causes et de circonstances d’un incendie in the Gérer l’intervention profile forming part of the Gestionnaire en sécurité incendie attestation of college studies are deemed to be holders of a Recherche des causes et des circonstances d’un incendie certificate awarded by the school.