70. An inner protection zone is delimited for category 1 or 2 surface water withdrawals. The limits of the zone are set at the following distances:(1) 300 m around a category 1 or 2 withdrawal site, if it is located in a lake;
(2) 1 km upstream and 100 m downstream from a category 1 or 2 withdrawal site if it is situated in the St. Lawrence River or, in the parts of the St. Lawrence River where the current may reverse due to the tide, 1 km upstream and downstream from the withdrawal site;
(3) 500 m upstream and 50 m downstream from a category 1 or 2 withdrawal site if it is situated in any other watercourse.
The distances include any surface water, portions of tributaries and a 10 m strip of land measured from the boundary of the littoral zone.
The person responsible for the water withdrawal must send a written notice to the domicile of each property included in the inner protection zone informing their owners or occupants of the presence of the withdrawal site in their neighbourhood.