3. In this Regulation, unless otherwise indicated by context,“accredited laboratory” means a laboratory accredited pursuant to section 118.6 of the Act; (laboratoire accrédité)
“ambient noise” means the total noise present in a given situation, at a certain time, usually composed of noise emitted by several near and remote sources; (bruit ambiant)
“aquaculture site” means a site on water or on land used for the cultivation, raising or reproduction of aquatic organisms, in particular fish, amphibians, echinoderms, shellfish, crustaceans or plants, for consumption or seeding purposes; (site aquacole)
“declaration of antecedents” means the declaration referred to in section 115.8 of the Act; (déclaration d’antédédents)
“ditch” means a ditch along a public or private road, a common ditch or a drainage ditch, as defined in subparagraphs 2 to 4 of section 103 of the Municipal Powers Act (chapter C-47.1); (fossé) “dwelling” means any construction intended for human habitation that is connected to individual or collective systems for the supply of drinking water and the treatment of wastewater; (habitation)
“fishing pond site” means a place comprising one or more units, containing cultured fish exclusively, closed on all sides to hold the fish captive, used for recreational fishing but not used to fatten fish; (site d’étang de pêche)
“greenhouse gas” means a gas referred to in Schedule A.1 of the Regulation respecting mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere (chapter Q-2, r. 15); (gaz à effet de serre) “harmful plant species” means a plant species that has a negative impact on the environment, biodiversity, human health, the economy or society; (espèce floristique nuisible)
“hydrogeological study” means a study signed by an engineer or geologist that describes, for a given territory, the distribution, composition and behaviour of groundwater and its interactions with geological formations, surface water and human activities; (étude hydrogéologique)
“invasive exotic plant species” means a plant introduced outside its natural distribution area that may constitute a threat to the environment, biodiversity, human health, the economy or society; (espèce floristique exotique envahissante)
“Minister” means the minister responsible for the administration of the Act; (ministre)
“particular noise” means a component of the ambient noise that may be specifically identified and is associated with the activities carried out in a place; (bruit particulier)
“plans and specifications” means engineering documents signed and sealed by an engineer; (plans et devis)
“predictive noise study” means a study to predict the propagation of noise from a given source, signed by a professional with suitable qualifications; (étude prédictive du climat sonore)
“professional” means a professional within the meaning of section 1 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26); any person authorized by a professional order to perform an activity reserved for the members of the order is also deemed to be a professional; (professionnel) “public institution” means any of the following institutions, facilities or establishments:(1) “educational institution” : any institution providing preschool, elementary or secondary education and governed by the Education Act (chapter I-13.3) or by the Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons (chapter I-14), a private educational institution governed by the Act respecting private education (chapter E-9.1), an institution whose instructional program is the subject of an international agreement within the meaning of the Act respecting the Ministère des Relations internationales (chapter M-25.1.1), a general and vocational college, a university, a research institute, a superior school or an educational institution of which more than one-half of the operating expenditures are paid out of the appropriations voted by the National Assembly, and for the purposes of this Regulation, includes childcare centres and day care centres governed by the Educational Childcare Act (chapter S-4.1.1); (2) “correctional facility” : any facility used for the detention of persons and governed by the Act respecting the Québec correctional system (chapter S-40.1); (3) “health and social services institution” : any health and social services institution governed by the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) or by the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons (chapter S-5) and, for the purposes of this Regulation, any other place where lodging services are provided for senior citizens or for any users entrusted by a public institution governed by any of the aforementioned Acts; (4) “tourist establishment” : an establishment which offers to the public restaurant services or sleeping accommodations, including the rental of camping spaces and, for the purposes of this Regulation, tourist information offices, museums, ski stations, holiday camps, outdoor recreation areas, public beaches, rest areas, golf courses, marinas and sites with guided tourist visits; (établissement public)
“public road” means a public highway within the meaning of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2); (voie publique) “reference noise level” means a particular noise to which a corrective term may be added; (niveau acoustique d’évaluation)
“residual noise” means noise that lingers at a given place, in a given situation, when the particular noise is eliminated from the ambient noise; (bruit résiduel)
“sewer system” means any works used to collect, store, transport or process wastewater, in whole or in part of domestic origin, before being discharged into the environment, with the exception of(1) a sewer line serving a single building connected to a sewer system, when the line is located within the property line for the building;
(2) a storm water management system to collect wastewater of domestic origin from an overflow, or treated wastewater;
(3) equipment or a device to treat wastewater, other than wastewater of domestic origin, that is not operated by a municipality; (système d'égoût)
“storm water management system” means any man-made works used to collect, store, transport or treat storm water, with the exception of(1) a sewer system;
(2) a line serving a single building that is connected to a storm water management system and located within the property line for that building;
(3) equipment or a device intended to treat water other than storm water; (système de gestion des eaux pluviales)
“storm water” or “runoff” means surface water from liquid precipitation or snow or ice melt; (eaux pluviales ou eaux de ruisellement)
“temporary industrial camp” means all temporary facilities and their dependencies that meet all the following conditions:(1) the facilities are occupied or set up for not more than 6 months per 12-month period for carrying out forest management, mining exploration or transportation activities or work related to the production, transportation or distribution of electric power and, except for the salvaging of timber following a forest fire, are designed to house 80 or fewer people;
(2) the facilities are situated in one of the following territories:(a) a territory not organized into a local municipality, including an unorganized territory amalgamated with one of the municipalities of Rouyn-Noranda, La Tuque or Senneterre, as it was delimited the day before the amalgamation;
(b) the James Bay territory as described in the Schedule to the James Bay Region Development and Municipal Organization Act (chapter D-8.2); (c) the territory situated north of the 55th parallel;
(d) the territories of the municipalities of Blanc-Sablon, Bonne-Espérance, Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent, Gros-Mécatina and Saint-Augustin and the territory of any other municipality constituted under the Act respecting the municipal reorganization of the territory of Municipalité de Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent (S.Q. 1988, c. 55; S.Q. 1996, c. 2); or
(e) the territories that are not accessible at any time by road vehicles; (campement industriel temporaire)
“waterworks system” means a mains, a system of mains or a facility or equipment used to treat, store or supply water intended for human consumption, with the exception of(1) in the case of a building connected to a waterworks system, a mains or any other equipment serving the building that is located within the property line for the building;
(2) if more than one building is served by the system, a mains or any other equipment located within the buildings that, like the system, belongs to the same owner; (système d’aqueduc)
“withdrawal site” means the place where water enters a facility installed to make water withdrawals. (site de prélèvement d’eau)