1. In this Regulation, unless the context indicates a different meaning,(a) “magazine” means any building, construction, locker or box in which explosives are stored;
(b) “explosive” means any object and any substance listed in Schedule 1; any mixture including one of those substances and any pyrotechnic item conceived to rise to a height of 300 ft and then explode;
(c) “blasting agent” means any material or mixture, consisting of fuel and oxidizer, intended for blasting but not otherwise defined as an explosive; provided that the finished product, as mixed for use, cannot be detonated by means of a number 8 test blasting cap when unconfined: a number 8 blasting cap is one containing 2 gr of a mixture of 80% mercury fulminate and 20% potassium chlorate or a blasting cap of equivalent strength;
(d) “low explosive” means an explosive which burns relatively slowly in the open air but which can be caused to deflagrate when confined: the term includes, but is not limited to sporting powder, black powder and rifle powder.