23. The P-120-7, P-120-8, P-120-29 to P-120-32 and P-120-35 signs announcing a compulsory route for a class of off-highway vehicles indicate the obligation for the driver of a vehicle of the class pictured on those signs to take the route shown.The other P-120 signs that include 2 silhouettes divided by a black line and announcing separate compulsory routes for two classes of off-highway vehicles or for a class of off-highway vehicles and pedestrians or another class of users of non-motorized means of transportation indicate the obligation for the driver of a vehicle or the person pictured on those signs to take the prescribed route.
The P-120 signs may be accompanied by the P-110-P-1 tab signs that specify the terms of application of the obligation.
By replacing the P-120-29 and P-120-30 signs, the P-120-7 and P-120-8 signs are accompanied by the P-120-P-2 tab sign.
By replacing the P-120-31 and P-120-32 signs, the P-120-7 and P-120-8 signs are accompanied by the P-120-P-3 tab sign.