T-7.1, r. 1 - Regulation respecting the alienation of agricultural lands in the domain of the State to certain occupants

Full text
(s. 12)

Duration of Occupancy Occupancy
occupancy without title with title

34 years 3% of actual value -
33 years 6% -
32 years 9% -
31 years 12% -
30 years 15% -
29 years 18% 3% of actual value
28 years 21% 6%
27 years 24% 9%
26 years 27% 12%
25 years 30% 15%
24 years 33% 18%
23 years 36% 21%
22 years 39% 24%
21 years 42% 27%
20 years 45% 30%
19 years 48% 33%
18 years 51% 36%
17 years 54% 39%
16 years 57% 42%
15 years 60% 45%
14 years 63% 48%
13 years 66% 51%
12 years 69% 54%
11 years 72% 57%
10 years 75% 60%
9 years 80% 65%
8 years 85% 70%
7 years 90% 75%
6 years 95% 80%
5 years 95% 80%
4 years 95% 80%
3 years 100% 85%
2 years 100% 90%
1 year or less 100% 100%
O.C. 5-90, Sch. I.