17.A fee of $57.50 is payable for the filing of the minutes of notarial operations and conclusions in a case dealt with under the procedure for non-contentious proceedings.
17.A fee of $55.75 is payable for the filing of the minutes of notarial operations and conclusions in a case dealt with under the procedure for non-contentious proceedings.
17.A fee of $54.25 is payable for the filing of the minutes of notarial operations and conclusions in a case dealt with under the procedure for non-contentious proceedings.
17.A fee of $52.75 is payable for the filing of the minutes of notarial operations and conclusions in a case dealt with under the procedure for non-contentious proceedings.
17.A fee of $52.25 is payable for the filing of the minutes of notarial operations and conclusions in a case dealt with under the procedure for non-contentious proceedings.
17.A fee of $51.25 is payable for the filing of the minutes of notarial operations and conclusions in a case dealt with under the procedure for non-contentious proceedings.
17.A fee of $50.50 is payable for the filing of the minutes of notarial operations and conclusions in a case dealt with under the procedure for non-contentious proceedings.
17.A fee of $50 is payable for the filing of the minutes of notarial operations and conclusions in a case dealt with under the procedure for non-contentious proceedings.