10. Contents of a call for tenders: A public call for tenders or an invitation to tender shall contain at least the following provisions and particulars:(1) the applicant’s name;
(2) the search area, that is, the territorial boundaries within which the space required must be located;
(3) the area required and the other technical specifications of the space sought;
(4) the projected date of occupancy and the term of the lease desired;
(5) the place where the necessary documents and particulars may be examined or obtained for the preparation of the tender;
(6) the conditions for obtaining the necessary documents for preparation of the tender;
(7) the place and time for depositing and opening tenders;
(8) a statement that the tenders submitted must be valid for the minimum period indicated by the applicant following the date of opening of tenders;
(9) a statement that the applicant does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender submitted.