3. A legal person or a partnership applying for a permit under the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) must(1) be solvent;
(2) not, nor must any of its directors, have been convicted of an offence against the Act respecting health services and social services or its regulations in the 3 years preceding the application;
(3) not have been the holder of a permit that was revoked or not renewed under section 446 or 446.1 of the Act in the 3 years preceding the application;
(4) not have any directors who have been forfeited of office as a member of the board of directors of an institution under paragraph 2 of section 498 of the Act in the 3 years preceding the application; and
(5) not, nor must any of its directors, have been convicted of an indictable offence in connection with the performance of activities for which a permit is applied for in the 5 years preceding the application unless, if convicted, a pardon was granted.
In the case of an application for a specialized medical centre permit, the legal person or partnership applying for the permit must, in addition,(1) not have any physician sitting on the board of directors or on the internal management board, as the case may be, who has had his or her right to practise limited or suspended or been temporarily struck off the roll in the 3 years preceding the application; and
(2) have a liability insurance contract in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 per claim providing coverage against the pecuniary consequences of any liability for fault or negligence in operating the specialized medical centre, and commit to maintaining such a contract in force for the entire term of the permit.