9.An officer may not receive from his employer, and an employer may not give an officer, for the carrying out of his duties as an officer, any form of remuneration other than the remuneration provided for by this Regulation.
In addition, any adjustment or other form of increase provided for in this Regulation applies only to the terms of employment of officers determined in the Regulation and, consequently, such adjustment or increase does not apply in particular to any measure taken by ministerial order under section 123 of the Public Health Act (chapter S‑2.2) under the public health emergency declared by the Government under Order in Council 177‑2020 dated 13 March 2020.
9.An officer may not receive from his employer, and an employer may not give an officer, for the carrying out of his duties as an officer, any form of remuneration other than the remuneration provided for by this Regulation.