12.1. For officers referred to in section 8.1, a salary rate corresponding to the evaluation classes determined under section 11.5 is adjusted according to the terms and conditions provided for in section 12, with the necessary modifications.
Those salary rates are listed in Schedule 2.
An officer referred to in section 8.1 receives the additional remuneration provided for in section 12.0.2.
The salary rate of an officer contemplated in section 8.1 is reduced, when the officer holds a part-time position, proportionally to the time for which his services are engaged by the employer, without such services being less than 20% of full time.
T.B. 194784, s. 1; T.B. 196312, s. 14; T.B. 196627, s. 2; M.O. 2003-005, s. 2; M.O. 2006-018, s. 5; M.O. 2013-006, s. 3; 2017-004M.O. 2017-004, s. 51; 2019-009M.O. 2019-009, s. 41; 2022-039M.O. 2022-039, s. 41.