67. The operator of an addiction resource must establish and apply safety measures that take into account the type of clientele accommodated in the resource, the environment in which the services are provided and the schedule of program activities.
To implement the first paragraph, the operator of a resource belonging to the categories of resources offering assistance and support in recovering from an intoxication or resources offering assistance and support in disintoxication must establish and apply a monitoring plan that takes into account(1) the work schedule of the staff members and volunteers that hold the certificates and diplomas referred to in sections 42 and 45 and of those who have successfully completed specific training concerning the assessment of the degree of severity of a person’s withdrawal and the assessment of the risks of deterioration of the general health referred to in the first and third paragraphs of section 19;
(2) admission hours;
(3) the physical layout of the premises; and
(4) the monitoring tools and means at its disposal.
694-2016O.C. 694-2016, s. 67.See s. 84 concerning the date of coming into force of this section.