231. The test technical program must be signed and sealed by a geologist or an engineer and contain(1) the name and contact information of the holder and the licence number;
(2) the name and number of the well;
(3) the planned duration of the tests and an estimate of the realization costs;
(4) the name and contact information of the geologist or engineer responsible for the tests;
(5) a chronological and detailed description of the tests to be carried out;
(6) the classification of the well determined according to Schedule 1;
(7) the name and contact information of the enterprises charged with carrying the tests;
(8) the depth interval and a description of the geological formations and the zones subject to the tests;
(9) the geological, geophysical, petrophysical and hydrostatic information and the drilling results justifying the tests;
(10) a description of the current condition of the well;
(11) if a seismic profile has been used, the interpreted profile indicating the location of the zones subject to the tests;
(12) the methods planned to dispose of the substances extracted;
(13) the list of licences, certificates and other authorizations to be obtained, if applicable;
(14) the list of references used during the preparation of the technical program, in particular, the standards from recognized organizations and guidelines from other Canadian jurisdictions; and
(15) any other information or document deemed necessary by the Minister.