122. The application must be accompanied by(1) the demonstration that the distances provided for in section 22 are complied with;
(2) a topographic map at a scale of 1:20,000 showing, in particular,(a) the surface projection of the hole profile to the location of the bottom of the hole;
(b) the location of the existing wellbores within a radius of 5 km; and
(c) the demonstration that the distances provided for in sections 132 to 134 are met;
(3) the drilling technical program provided for in section 123, signed and sealed by an engineer;
(4) the permanent well or reservoir closure and site restoration plan or, if applicable, its update, and the guarantee provided for in sections 315 and 317;
(5) payment of the fee of $4,426; and
(6) any other information or document deemed necessary by the Minister.