1. The tuition fees charged to a student are set at(1) $1,385 for the Pompier I training program and $1,625 where the program is adapted to the reality of Native people;
(2) $1,065 for the Pompier II training program;
(3) $740 for the Officier non urbain training program;
(4) $260 for the Matières dangereuses – sensibilisation training activity;
(5) $520 for the Matières dangereuses – opération training activity;
(6) $85 for the Autosauvetage training activity;
(7) $445 for the Désincarcération training activity;
(8) $400 for the Opérateur de véhicule d’élévation training activity;
(9) $392 for the Opérateur d’autopompe training activity.