1. Any person participating in an ice hockey activity shall wear the following protective equipment where the activity is carried out on a game surface which was reserved for that purpose:(1) a safety helmet complying with Canadian Standards Association Standard CAN3-Z262.1-M83 Hockey Helmets or CAN/CSA-Z262.1-M90 Hockey Helmets;
(2) a full face protector complying with Canadian Standards Association Standard CAN3-Z262.2-M78 Face Protectors for Ice Hockey and Box Lacrosse or with Type 1, 2 or 3 of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z262.2-M90 Face Protectors and Visors for Ice Hockey Players;
(3) a neck protector complying with Bureau de normalisation du Québec Standard NQ9415-370 Protège-cou pour joueurs de hockey et de ringuette dated 90-05-15.