(b) 8 m from any loaded blasthole or explosive loading site. Despite the foregoing, a blasthole may be drilled closer than 8 m if adaptation to specific job-sites conditions is required, particularly for trench work or work in permafrost zones in unstable conditions. The employer must then ensure thati. loading and drilling are performed alternately;
ii. the shot-firer supervises and controls the drilling operations;
iii. only cartridge explosives are used. However, if soil degradation does not allow for the insertion of cartridge explosives in the boring hole, the shot-firer may use a blasting agent to load the hole. That method may not be used for more than 3 holes per blasting;
iv. a carpenter’s level is used to make sure that blastholes are vertical;
v. the minimum distance from any loaded hole is 1.5 m or 20% of the hole depth to a maximum depth of 12 m, using the greater distance between the two;
vi. if the holes have a depth of 6 m or more, the first drilling rod must be replaced by a guide tube or another means providing equivalent precision to avoid the blasting of another loaded hole in the vicinity;
vii. loaded holes must be marked by stakes of a distinct color or carrying a distinct ribbon.