0.2. The amount added to the person’s pension shall correspond to the sum of the following amounts:(1) the amount “MO” which corresponds to “MO1”, “MO2” or “MO3”, whichever is lowest, calculated as follows:i. MO1 = [N x [(F x 2.0% x TM) - (0.7% x minimum (TM; MGA))]] - CRRR
ii. MO2 = F x N x 1.1% x TM
iii. MO3 = maximum [0; [(F x 70% x TM) - (NN x 0.7% x minimum (TM; MGA))] - (CRRR + BRCOSR)] where NN = NA + ((70 - (1.6 x NA)) /2)
(2) the difference between the amount “M” determined in section 0.1 and the amount “MO” determined in paragraph 1, if the person is under 65 years of age when the pension becomes payable. That amount shall be paid until the end of the month during which the pensioner reaches 65 years of age.