R-12.1, r. 1.1 - Regulation respecting certain provisions relating to the partition and assignment of benefits accrued under the supplementary benefits plan in respect of classes of employees designated under section 208 of the Act respecting the Pension Plan of Management Personnel
2.1.For the purposes of section 1 of Schedule I of the Order in Council respecting the partition and assignment of benefits accrued under the supplementary benefits plan in respect of classes of employees designated under section 220.1 of the Act respecting the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (chapter R-10, r. 6), as it applies to the Pension Plan of Management Personnel, in the case of spouses in a civil union, in addition to the information referred to in subparagraphs 1 and 4 of the first paragraph of the aforementioned section 1, the application for a statement must be accompanied with a certificate of civil union and written confirmation from a notary to the effect that the spouses in a civil union have undertaken a joint procedure for the dissolution of their civil union or, as the case may be, the joint declaration dissolving the civil union and the notarized transaction contract, or a copy of the application for an annulment or dissolution of civil union.