150. To be installed, a hydrodynamic separator must comply with the following:(1) hydrodynamic separator have been verified under Canada’s Environmental Technology Verification Program or as part of a verification process compliant with ISO Standard 14034 Environmental management — Environmental technology verification (ETV);
(2) the verification conducted under paragraph 1 confirms, through a verification certificate or declaration, that the laboratory test procedure for oil and grit separators published by Canada’s Environmental Technology Verification Program has been complied with;
(3) the verification certificate or declaration referred to in paragraph 2 is not expired on the date on which the plans and specifications are signed or is dated not more than 3 years before the signing of the plans and specifications;
(4) the conditions and restrictions provided for in the verification certificate or declaration, the technology sheet and the verification report produced at the end of the verification process performed under paragraph 1 are complied with.