In force: 2019-04-18
42. The redevelopment and restoration of a quarry or sand pit must be carried out using one or more of the following options, on the conditions covered by the provisions of this Chapter:(1) the revegetation of the land with the stored topsoil or fertilizing waste substances;
(2) the levelling of the land and the reduction of the working faces;
(3) backfilling with one of the following matters:(a) the overburden or surface mineral substances;
(b) soils containing no contaminant due to a human activity;
(c) sludge from sedimentation basins of the quarry or sand pit or sedimentation basins used in the transformation processes of dimension stone and cutting slurry generated by the treatment of surface mineral substances, insofar as the sludge or slurry meets the following conditions:i. their dryness, measured by a laboratory accredited by the Minister under section 118.6 of the Act, is equal to or greater than 15%;
ii. the sludge or slurry contains no free liquid;
(d) particles recuperated by a catchment system installed in the quarry or sand pit and intended to prevent particle emissions into the atmosphere;
(e) in the case of a quarry only, soils containing contaminants due to a human activity in a concentration less than or equal to the limit values provided for in Schedule I to the Land Protection and Rehabilitation Regulation (chapter Q-2, r. 37); (4) the restoration or creation of wetlands and bodies of water.
Despite the first paragraph, in the case of the operator of a sand pit having made a declaration of compliance referred to in section 9, the redevelopment and restoration of the sand pit must be carried out only by the levelling and revegetation of the excavated land.
236-2019O.C. 236-2019, s. 42.