29. A monetary administrative penalty in the amount of $1,000 for a natural person and $5,000 in other cases may be imposed on every person who(1) uses a residual granular material containing one of the materials covered by section 16 for purposes of reclamation as granular material;
(2) uses a residual granular material not meeting the requirements prescribed by section 17 for purposes of reclamation;
(3) uses cuttings or tailings from the dimension stone sector that do not meet the maximum particle size requirement prescribed by section 18 for restoring a quarry or sand pit;
(4) fails to perform a characterization of the residual granular materials in contravention of section 19;
(5) fails to perform the characterization in accordance with the conditions set out in any of sections 20 to 23;
(6) fails to analyze the mobility of an inorganic parameter in accordance with section 24, in contravention of that section;
(7) reclaims a residual granular material for a type of use not permitted in section 27 for its category.