13. Producers must in addition, for the purpose of fulfilling their obligations for the development, implementation and financing of a system of selective collection, with respect to the sorting, conditioning and reclamation of residual materials,(1) manage residual materials in a way that gives priority to reclamation, with the choice of reclamation processes respecting the following order:(a) reuse;
(b) recycling, with the exception of biological treatment;
(c) any other form of reclamation by which residual materials are treated for use as a substitute for raw materials;
(d) energy recovery, subject to the following cases:i. a life cycle analysis, complying with the applicable ISO standards and taking into account the perenniality of resources and the externalities of various reclamation methods for recovered materials, that shows that a reclamation method is more advantageous than another in environmental terms;
ii. the existing technology or the applicable laws and regulations does not allow for the use of a reclamation method in the prescribed order;
(2) define the places where residual materials may be stored for processing and reclamation;
(3) promote the local sorting, conditioning and reclamation of residual materials and give priority to, in the following order, maintaining, optimizing and developing players in the value chain in Québec;
(4) plan measures to facilitate participation by social economy enterprises within the meaning of section 3 of the Social Economy Act (chapter E-1.1.1); and (5) sort and condition the residual materials recovered in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Division IV of this Chapter.