54. For the purposes of a verification the promoter and, where applicable, the owner of the site must provide the verifier with any information or document needed for the conduct of the verification and give access to the site where the project is carried out.
The verification of a project report must include a project site visit by the verifier, except if such a visit was carried out for the purposes of a verification conducted during the 2 preceding reporting periods within the same eligibility period.
The site visit must enable the verifier, in particular, to observe the proper conduct and operation of the project and any change made to the project since the preceding verification. During the site visit, the verifier must be accompanied by the promoter.
In cases where the biogas is reclaimed by a person other than the promoter, the promoter must ensure that the verifier has access to all the equipment, facilities and documentation needed to conduct the verification of the project report in accordance with this Division.
2023-1010M.O. 2023-1010, s. 54.