29. To monitor the proper operation of the project, the promoter must calculate the quantity of CH4 reclaimed or destroyed that can be attributed to the anaerobic digestion of eligible manure as part of the project, using the following equation:Equation 14: Calculation of the quantity of CH4 reclaimed or destroyed by the project that can be attributed to the anaerobic digestion of manure
CH4 V-D = Quantity of CH4 reclaimed or destroyed that can be attributed to eligible manure, in metric tonnes CO2 equivalent;
x = Number of time intervals;
t = Time interval referred to in Appendix E during which measurements of the CH4 content of the biogas are aggregated;
y = Number of reclamation or destruction devices used;
d= Reclamation or destruction device;
BGd,t = Biogas sent to reclamation or destruction device d, during time interval t, in cubic metres of biogas at standard conditions;
CMDt = Concentration of CH4 in the biogas measured at the closest point to the reclamation or destruction device and after purification of the biogas where applicable, during time interval t, in cubic metres of CH4 per cubic metre of biogas at standard conditions;
QLt = Quantity of eligible manure treated by the anaerobic digestion facility during time interval t, in metric tonnes;
QIt = Total quantity of input treated by the anaerobic digestion facility during time interval t, in metric tonnes;
EFDd = Efficiency factor for CH4 reclamation or destruction device d, determined in Appendix A;
0.668 = Density of CH4, in kilograms per cubic metre;
0.001 = Conversion factor, kilograms to metric tonnes;
GWPCH4 = Global warming potential of CH4, taken from Schedule A.1 to the Regulation respecting mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere (chapter Q-2, r. 15).