27. Where the data needed to quantify the GHG emission reductions attributable to an eligible project are missing and the following conditions are met, the promoter uses the upper or lower limit of the 95% confidence interval for the 72 hours preceding and following the period for which the data are missing, based on the most prudent result:(1) the data are missing for 7 or fewer days;
(2) the data concern CH4 concentration parameters or biogas flow measurements that are discontinuous, non-chronic and due to unforeseen circumstances;
(3) the proper functioning of the digester can be shown by pressure readings from the vessel;
(4) the proper functioning of the reclamation or destruction device can be shown by thermocouple readings for a flare, or by the monitoring device for a reclamation or destruction device for any other reclamation or destruction device;
(5) the data concern either the biogas flow or the CH4 concentration, but not both;
(6) the missing data concern biogas flow rate measurements, a continuous analyzer is used to measure the CH4 concentration and it is shown that the CH4 concentration was consistent with normal operations for the time when the data are missing; and
(7) the missing data concern the CH4 concentration measurements and it is shown that the biogas flow rate was consistent with normal operations for the time when the data are missing.