22. The promoter may correct the volatile solids rate in the manure prior to anaerobic digestion by replacing Equations 4 and 5 by Equations 6 and 7 and by measuring the volatile solids rate in accordance with the following conditions:(1) the volatile solids rate is sampled at least quarterly for each source of manure for which the volatile solids rate is corrected;
(2) the sampling must take place after the separation of the solid and liquid phases of the manure, where applicable;
(3) the manure sampled must not have been mixed with other inputs.
If the volatile solids rate has not been measured in compliance with the conditions mentioned in the first paragraph, manure that has undergone a treatment to separate the liquid and solid phases must be considered as raw manure and no correction is possible.Equation 6: Correction of the maximum production of eligible manure based on the volatile solids rate measured, by agricultural facility
QCH4max corrected,i = Maximum production of CH4 from eligible manure at facility i corrected based on the volatile solids rate measured in the solid phase of the liquid manure, in cubic metres at standard conditions;
QLi = Quantity of manure from agricultural facility i processed by anaerobic digestion, in kilograms;
k = Number of livestock categories;
j = Livestock category from Table 1 in Appendix C;
VSmeasured, i = Average volatile solids measured quarterly in manure at agricultural facility i, in kilograms per kilogram of manure;
RVS, j = Estimated rate of volatile solids produced by livestock category j at facility i, calculated using Equation 7;
B0 = Maximum potential CH4 production by livestock category j, determined in Table 1 in Appendix C, in cubic metres per kilogram of volatile solids.
Equation 7: Estimated rate of volatile solids attributable to various livestock categories, by agricultural facility
RVS, j = Estimated rate of volatile solids produced by livestock category j at facility i;
k = Number of livestock categories;
j = Livestock category from Table 1 in Appendix C;
RAi,j = Fraction of livestock category j in herd at facility i, using the value established in the cases provided for in the paragraphs following Equation 5;
VSj = Volatile solids for livestock category j, determined in Table 1 in Appendix C, in kilograms per kilogram of manure.