114. The hazardous materials management plan referred to in the second paragraph of section 70.8 of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2) shall contain the following information and documents:(1) a characterization of the hazardous material in question that includes(a) a sampling schedule;
(b) the name and address of the laboratory that did the analysis and that is accredited by the Minister under section 118.6 of the Environment Quality Act;
(c) the properties referred to in section 3 and the results of the chemical analyses;
(d) in the case of a hazardous material referred to in section 4, the results of the chemical analyses and the characteristics of the material; and
(e) where applicable, the grounds for which a chemical analysis or test has not been done in respect of the hazardous material;
(2) where the residual hazardous materials are stored outdoors, a characterization of the portion of land for the storage and on the periphery of that portion of land conducted in accordance with the guide referred to in section 31.66 of the Environment Quality Act by a professional with the required qualifications in the field, as well as the decontamination or alleviation measures that have been taken or that are envisaged;
(3) the final destination of the hazardous material or, if that destination is not known, a description of the steps taken or envisaged, including, where applicable, research projects and experiments, to remove the hazardous material from the storage site and, in the latter case, the quantity of residual hazardous materials used in those projects;
(4) the steps and schedules for carrying out the management plan and the measures that will be taken to inform the Minister.