2. This Regulation applies to residual organic materials reclamation facilities whose operation requires obtaining an authorization pursuant to section 22 of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2) and where one or more of the following residual organic materials are sorted, transferred, stored or treated:(1) food, agri-food and marine waste;
(2) plant matter from gardening, horticulture, landscaping or land clearing, hereinafter referred to as “green residues”;
(3) municipal wastewater sludge, industrial putrescible sludge, slaughterhouse sludge or agri-food sludge;
(4) paper, cardboard or absorbent fibres soiled by food, human waste or “livestock waste” within the meaning of the Agricultural Operations Regulation (chapter Q-2, r. 26);
(5) compostable waxed paper or cardboard;
(6) farm products or livestock waste;
(7) digestate or compost from the residual organic materials listed to paragraphs 1 to 6.