55. The following research and experimental work, if needed to validate a product or process, is eligible for a declaration of compliance before the commercial release of the product or the commercial operation of the plant, on the following conditions:(1) the work is carried on in accordance with an experimental protocol drawn up by a suitably qualified person that specifies(a) the research objectives;
(b) the experimental materials;
(c) the experimental or sampling device;
(d) the location of the discharge points;
(e) the variables measured;
(f) the implementation schedule;
(2) the project is eligible for(a) provincial tax credits for scientific research and experimental development;
(b) a research and development or innovation program administered by a Québec government department or body; or
(c) a measure implemented by a department or body referred to in section 15.4.3 of the Act respecting the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs (chapter M-30.001) as part of the multi-year action plan on climate change; (3) the work does not require the withdrawal of 75,000 or more litres of water per day;
(4) the work is not carried on in a wetland or body of water;
(5) the discharges into the environment contain no hazardous materials and the work does not constitute an operation referred to in section 8 of the Regulation respecting hazardous materials (chapter Q-2, r. 32); (6) when the work includes releases into the atmosphere, air dispersion modelling has been performed in accordance with Schedule H of the Clean Air Regulation (chapter Q-2, r. 4.1), showing compliance with the air quality standards in Schedule K of that Regulation. An activity referred to in the first paragraph must be carried on in accordance with the following conditions:(1) a representative sampling program must be established to measure the concentration of the contaminants released into the atmosphere if the air dispersion modelling shows that the concentration of the contaminant at the point of calculation is expected to exceed 80% of the air quality standard presented in Schedule K of the Clear Air Regulation;
(2) when the work includes the addition of a discharge point of wastewater into the environment,(a) the volume discharged at the discharge point is less than 10 m3 per day;
(b) apparatus or equipment to treat the discharge is installed;
(c) a representative sampling program is established to measure the concentration of the contaminants discharged.