277. The storage and conditioning of non-contaminated wood are exempted from authorization pursuant to this Division on the following conditions:(1) the total volume of wood on the site is at all times equal to or less than 300 m3;
(2) the wood stored and conditioned includes no varnished, painted, stained, treated or engineered wood, or wood from oriented strand board, plywood or particle board;
(3) the storage and conditioning areas are laid out on a concrete-covered or bituminous concrete-covered surface and in a way that prevents water accumulation;
(4) the site is laid out in a way that ensures that access is controlled and that the admissibility of the materials can be verified;
(5) bark and wood shavings or chips are protected from the elements or stored in containers that are closed or covered by an impermeable canvas;
(6) the conditioning activities do not rely on water;
(7) the conditioning area is cleaned after use each day, without the use of water.