269. The storage and treatment of street-cleaning residue for reclamation purposes are eligible for a declaration of compliance on the following conditions:(1) the residue comes from spring-time cleaning operations along the sides of streets and roads in a municipality of less than 5,000 inhabitants;
(2) the residue consists of sand and abrasives, and the treatment of the reside is intended to remove contaminants and impurities;
(3) following the treatment, the residue is reused as a winter abrasive or reclaimed for the purpose of an authorized activity;
(4) the total volume of the materials stored on the site is at all times equal to or less than 300 m3;
(5) the storage and treatment areas are(a) laid out on a watertight surface;
(b) equipped with a system to collect storm water that is discharged into the environment or towards a storm water management system;
(c) equipped with a system to collect water that has come into contact with the street-cleaning residue and discharge it into the environment or towards a system to collect leachates that are discharged towards a municipal wastewater treatment works or towards a water treatment system authorized pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph of section 22 of the Act.