266. Any activity referred to in section 265 must be carried on in accordance with the following conditions:(1) it is governed by a composting schedule prepared by an agronomist or engineer that ensures compliance with the requirements on leachates, odours and temperature set out in paragraph 6 of this section;
(2) when the inputs are collected by the operator, they are not stored for more than 18 hours before being placed in the thermophilic equipment;
(3) the composting and maturation temperature is monitored daily to ensure that a hygienized and mature compost is achieved;
(4) quality control on the compost must be performed by an accredited laboratory two times per year and analyze salmonella and the maturity criterion defined in the CAN/BNQ 0413-200 standard. If the monitoring shows that the compost contains salmonella or is not mature,(a) the compost must be sent to an elimination or treatment site that can legally receive it;
(b) the operator must make the necessary adjustments to correct the situation.