261. The establishment and operation of a residual materials transfer station for transfers to a sorting centre or reclamation site are eligible for a declaration of compliance, on the following conditions:(1) the capacity of the station is less than 200 tonnes per week and the total volume of such materials on the site is less than 300 m3 at all times;
(2) only the following materials generated in Québec are admitted to the station:(a) the residual materials referred to in section 2 of the Regulation respecting compensation for municipal services provided to recover and reclaim residual materials (chapter Q-2, r. 10); (b) residual materials from construction or demolition work, except materials containing asbestos;
(c) street-cleaning residues;
(d) if the capacity of the station is less than 30 tonnes per week and the total volume of such materials on the site is less than 100 m3 at all time, organic materials sorted at source;
(3) the areas of the transfer station are(a) laid out on a concrete-covered or bituminous concrete-covered surface;
(b) when exposed to the elements, equipped with a system to collect leachates that are discharged to a municipal wastewater treatment works or treatment facility authorized pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph of section 22 of the Act;
(4) the areas where activities to transfer residual materials referred to in subparagraph a of paragraph 2 are carried on are protected from the elements, or the materials are transferred in containers that are closed or covered by an impermeable canvas;
(5) the site is laid out in a way that ensures that access is controlled and that the admissibility of the materials can be verified.