100. In addition to the general content prescribed by section 16, every application for authorization for an activity referred to in this Division must include the following supplemental information and documents:(1) a characterization study establishing the initial soil quality that may be altered by the operation of the facility, station or site, based on the contaminants likely to be present in the soil accepted;
(2) a hydrogeological study;
(3) a monitoring program for soil entering or leaving the facility, station or site in order to meet the requirements of the Regulation respecting contaminated soil storage and contaminated soil transfer stations (chapter Q-2, r. 46); (4) a detailed environmental monitoring program for surface water, groundwater and air quality;
(5) the plans and specifications for the facility, station or site;
(6) in the case of a contaminated soil transfer station, a geotechnical study for the site where the station will be established, signed by an engineer or geologist, defining the geotechnical properties of the non-consolidated deposits and rock and assessing the geotechnical constraints associated with the work to lay out and operate the transfer station;
(7) in the case of a contaminated soil treatment facility,(a) a demonstration of the effectiveness and mastery of the process, based either on a description of previous applications or on a demonstration test;
(b) a program to verify process performance, during and after treatment, by analyzing the treated substances and the choice of geochemical monitoring parameters;
(c) a quality assurance program.