The regulatory scheme applies, on the basis of their level of impact, to(1) activities that require a prior authorization pursuant to section 22 of the Act, hereinafter referred to as an “authorization”, and those that require the prior amendment of an authorization pursuant to section 30 of the Act, hereinafter referred to as an “amendment”, specifying in particular the information and documents that must be provided in support of an application in order for it to be considered, the terms and conditions governing an application for the issue, amendment, renewal, suspension or revocation of an authorization, and the terms and conditions governing the transfer of an authorization or the cessation of an authorized activity;
(2) activities eligible for a declaration of compliance pursuant to section 31.0.6 of the Act, hereinafter referred to as a “declaration of compliance”, specifying, in particular, the conditions, restrictions and prohibitions regarding eligibility, hereinafter referred to as the “eligibility conditions”, and those that apply to the carrying on of the activities, along with the information and documents that must be provided in support of a declaration of compliance and, where applicable, the declaration from a professional that must accompany the declaration of compliance or the attestation that must be provided once the activity has been completed;
(3) activities exempted from authorization pursuant to section 31.0.11 of the Act, hereinafter referred to as “exempted activities”, specifying in particular the conditions, restrictions and prohibitions that apply to the carrying on of the activities and, where applicable, the attestation from a professional that must be provided once the activity has been completed.