(3) for each of the withdrawal sites,(a) the name the lake or watercourse from which water is withdrawn;
(b) the number of days on which water was withdrawn;
(c) the origin of the water withdrawn, either surface water or groundwater;
(d) whether or not measuring equipment is used and the type of equipment, where applicable;
(e) if the volumes of water withdrawn are not measured using measuring equipment, estimates of the monthly and yearly volumes of water withdrawn, expressed in litres;
(e.1) if the volumes of water withdrawn are not measured using measuring equipment, the name of the professional who evaluated the total volumes of water withdrawn in the year and his or her profession and a description of the estimation method used;
(f) if the volumes of water are measured using measuring equipment, the monthly and yearly volumes of water withdrawn, expressed in litres;
(g) if measuring equipment is used, a description of any malfunction, breakdown, abnormality or other defect that affected the operation of the equipment, including the number of days on which the volume data could not be measured by the equipment in a reliable and accurate manner;
(h) the activities for which the withdrawals are made, identified by their North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes;
(i) where the withdrawals are for multiple activities, the volumes of water, in percentage or litres, broken down per activity;
(j) a statement specifying that the withdrawals total a daily volume equal to or greater than 75,000 litres, at least 1 day in the year, where applicable.