86.2. The farmer who carries out, for agricultural purposes, work involving the application of Class 1 to Class 3A pesticides must keep a register containing(1) the name, address, telephone number and, where applicable, email address of the farmer and those of the owner of the premises, if applicable;
(2) the date on which the work was performed;
(3) the reasons justifying the work;
(4) the name of the certificate holder who carried out or supervised the work and the certificate number;
(5) the identification of the parcel or building where the work was carried out;
(6) in the case of Class 1 to Class 3 pesticides, the identification of what the treatment was applied to and its area, volume or quantity;
(7) in the case of Class 3A pesticides, the area treated;
(8) the name of the pesticide used and the name of its active ingredients;
(9) the quantity of pesticide used or, in the case of Class 3A pesticides, the quantity of seeds and the plant species concerned;
(10) where applicable, the registration number assigned to the pesticide under the Pest Control Products Act (S.C. 2002, c. 28); and
(11) if the pesticide used is referred to in section 74.1 or 74.4, the number of the agronomic justification obtained, the name of the agrologist who signed it and the agrologist’s member number in the Ordre des agronomes du Québec.