Title I: Head and Neck
Severity Rating
· Burns see Title XI: Surface
· Contusions where skin is not broken
see Title XI: Surface
· Sprains
Cervical sprain see Title V: Spinal Column
· Fractures
Fracture of calvarium without intracranial trauma 3
Fracture of calvarium with intracranial trauma 6
Fracture of base without intracranial trauma 4
Fracture of base with intracranial trauma 6
Cervical spine fracture see Title V: Spinal Column
Fracture of larynx and/or trachea 6
· Dislocations without fracture
Dislocation of cervical veterbrae see Title V: Spinal Column
· Wounds
Trauma to the tympanum and/or eustachian tube
see Title II: Face
Laryngeal and/or tracheal wound 3
Thyroid gland wound 3
Pharyngeal wound 3
Other head and neck wounds
see Title XI: Surface
· Intracranial trauma not associated with a skull fracture
Mild craniocerebral trauma
(loss of consciousness for less than 30 minutes with Glasgow
Coma score of 13 or more and/or post-traumatic amnesia for less
than 24 hours) 2
Moderate or severe craniocerebral trauma 4
Cerebral contusion or laceration 6
Intracranial hemorrhage 6
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, extradural or subdural hematoma 6
Trauma to the labyrinth 4
· Cranial nerve damage
Damage to the olfactory nerve (I) 4
Damage to the optic nerve (II) and/or visual pathways 4
Damage to the common motor ocular nerves (III) 4
Damage to the trochlear (pathetic) nerve (IV) 4
Damage to the trigeminal nerve (V) 4
Damage to the abducens nerve (VI) 4
Damage to the facial nerve (VII) 4
Damage to the auditory nerve (VIII) 4
Damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) 4
Damage to the vagal nerve (X) 4
Damage to the spinal nerve (XI) 4
Damage to the hypoglossal nerve (XII) 4
· Blood vessel injuries
Carotid artery injury 5
Injury of the internal jugular vein 5
Other injuries to vessels of the head and/or neck 4
· Superficial trauma see Title XI: Surface
Cutaneous foreign body see Title XI: Surface
· Mental disorders see Title X: Psychic System
Title II: Face
Severity Rating
· Impairment of the eye and of its adjacent structures
Burn to the eye and its adjacent structures
see Title XI: Surface
Burn to the cornea and/or conjunctival sac 2
Contusion of orbital tissue 1
Eyeball contusion 1
Foreign body in the cornea 1
Foreign body in the conjunctival sac 1
Eyelid tear with impairment of the lacrimal ducts 3
Eyelid tear without impairment of the lacrimal ducts
see Title XI: Surface
Choroidal and/or retinal detachment 5
Traumatic enucleation 6
Hemorrhage of the iris or ciliary body 4
Vitreous hemorrhage 4
Hemorrhage and rupture of the choroid 4
Retinal or preretinal hemorrhage 2
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 1
Perforation of the eyeball 6
Trauma to the eyeball 5
Orbital wound 4
Superficial trauma of the cornea 1
Superficial trauma of the conjunctiva 1
· Burns
Burn to the mucous membrane of the mouth and/or pharynx 4
Burn to the eye
see Impairment of the eye and of its adjacent structures
Other burns see Title XI: Surface
· Contusions where skin is not broken
Eyeball contusion
see Impairment of the eye and of its adjacent structures
Other contusions see Title XI: Surface
· Foreign bodies
Foreign body in the ear 1
Foreign body in the mouth 1
Foreign body in the eye
see Impairment of the eye and of its adjacent structures
Cutaneous foreign bodies (superficial injury)
see Title XI: Surface
· Sprains
Sprain (displacement) of the nasal septum cartilage 2
Maxillary sprain 2
· Fractures
One or more broken teeth 2
Fracture of bones of the nose 3
Mandibule fracture 4
Fracture of the malar bone and/or maxilla 4
LeFort I-type fracture 4
LeFort II-type fracture 4
LeFort III-type fracture 5
Fracture of the orbital floor or lower orbital wall 4
Fracture of the palate and/or tooth sockets 3
Fracture of the orbit
(excluding fractures of the upper wall or orbital floor) 3
· Dislocation without fracture
Temporo-maxillary dislocation 3
· Wounds
Trauma of the tympanum and/or the eustachian tube 3
Injury of the internal parts of the mouth, including the tongue 2
Eyelid wound with impairment of the lacrimal ducts
see Impairment of the eye and of its adjacent structures
Eyelid wound without impairment of the lacrimal ducts
see Title XI: Surface
Eyeball wound
see Impairment of the eye and of its adjacent structures
Penetrating orbital wound
see Impairment of the eye and of its adjacent structures
Other facial wounds see Title XI: Surface
· Nerve damage
Damage to superficial nerves of head and/or neck 2
Cranial nerve damage see Title I: Head and Neck
· Superficial injuries see Title XI: Surface
Cutaneous foreign bodies see Title XI: Surface
Title III: Thorax
Severity Rating
· Burns
Internal burn of the larynx, trachea or lung 4
Other burns see Title XI: Surface
· Contusions where skin is not broken
see Title XI: Surface
· Foreign bodies
Foreign body in the respiratory apparatus, excluding the lung 4
Foreign body in the lung 6
Cutaneous foreign bodies (superficial injury)
see Title XI: Surface
· Sprains
Sprain of the chondrocostal articulation 3
Sprain of the chrondrosternal articulation 3
Thoracic sprain see Title V: Spinal Column
· Fractures
Rib fracture
Fracture of 1 or 2 ribs 3
Fracture of 3 or more ribs 4
Flail chest-type fracture 6
Sternum fracture 4
· Dislocations without fracture
Sternoclavicular dislocation 4
· Wounds see Title XI: Surface
· Internal chest injuries
Hemothorax 4
Pneumohemothorax 4
Pneumothorax 4
Acute myocardial infarction 6
Trauma of the heart 6
Pulmonary contusion with or without pleural effusion 3
Trauma of the lung with penetrating chest wound 6
Trauma of the diaphragm 6
Trauma of another intrathoracic organ
(bronchi, oesophagus, pleura or thymus) 6
· Nerve damage
Trauma of one or more nerves of the trunk 4
· Blood vessel damage
Damage to the thoracic aorta 6
Damage to the brachiocephalic artery and/or subclavian artery 6
Damage to the superior vena cava 6
Damage to the brachiocephalic vein
and/or subclavian vein 6
Damage to pulmonary vessels (artery and/or vein) 6
Damage to other thoracic blood vessels (intercostal or thoracic) 4
· Superficial injuries see Title XI: Surface
Cutaneous foreign bodies see Title XI: Surface
Title IV: Abdomen and Pelvic Contents
Severity Rating
· Burns see Title XI: Surface
· Contusions where skin is not broken
see Title XI: Surface
· Foreign bodies
Foreign body in the digestive apparatus 4
Cutaneous foreign body (superficial injury)
see Title XI: Surface
· Sprains
Back and/or lumbar sprain see Title V: Spinal Column
· Pregnancy and childbirth
Premature delivery or miscarriage 6
Pregnancy complication 5
· Dislocations
Dislocation in the pelvic region see Titles VIII and IX: Lower Limbs
· Wounds see Title XI: Surface
· Injury to internal organs of the abdomen and pelvis
Damage to the stomach 4
Damage to the small intestine 4
Damage to the large intestine and/or rectum 4
Damage to the pancreas 4
Damage to the liver 4
Damage to the spleen 4
Damage to the kidney 4
Damage to the bladder and/or to the urethra 4
Damage to the ureter 4
Damage to internal genital organs 4
Damage to other intra-abdominal organs
(gall bladder, cystic ducts, peritoneum, adrenal gland) 4
· Damage to external genital organs
Amputation of the penis 6
Amputation of the testicle(s) 6
Vaginal injury 3
Other wounds of the external genital organs
see Title XI: Surface
· Abdominal wall, inguinal or femoral trauma
Inguinal or femoral hernia 4
Epigastric or umbilical hernia 4
· Blood vessel damage
Damage to the abdominal aorta 6
Damage to the inferior vena cava 6
Damage to the celiac trunk and/or mesenteric arteries 6
Damage to the portal vein and/or splenic vein 6
Damage to renal blood vessels 6
Damage to iliac blood vessels 6
· Superficial injuries see Title XI: Surface
Cutaneous foreign bodies see Title XI: Surface
Title V: Spinal Column
Severity Rating
· Sprains
Cervical or cervicothoracic sprain
Cervical sprain without objective clinical sign (cervicalgia, WAD I) 1
Cervical sprain with musculoskeletal signs (WAD II) 2
Cervical sprain with neurological signs (WAD III) 4
Thoracic or thoracolumbar sprain
Thoracic or thoracolumbar sprain without objective
clinical sign (dorsalgia) 1
Thoracic or thoracolumbar sprain with musculoskeletal signs 2
Thoracic or thoracolumbar sprain with neurological signs 4
Lumbar or lumbosacral sprain
Lumbar or lumbosacral sprain without objective
clinical sign (lumbago) 1
Lumbar or lumbosacral sprain with musculoskeletal signs 2
Lumbar or lumbosacral sprain with neurological signs 4
Sacral sprain 2
Coccygeal sprain 2
· Fractures
Cervical spine
Fracture of one or more cervical vertebrae without neurological lesion 5
Fracture of one or more cervical vertebrae with neurological lesion 6
Thoracic spine
Fracture of one or more thoracic vertebrae without neurological lesion 4
Fracture of one or more thoracic vertebrae with neurological lesion 6
Lumbar and sacral spine
Fracture of one or more lumbar vertebrae without neurological lesion 5
Fracture of one or more lumbar vertebrae with neurological lesion 6
Fracture of the sacrum and/or coccyx without neurological lesion 4
Fracture of the sacrum and/or coccyx with neurological lesion 6
· Dislocations without fracture
Dislocation of one cervical vertebra 5
Dislocation of one thoracic and/or lumbar vertebra 5
· Isolated injury to the spinal cord
Spinal cord injury of the cervical spine without vertebral lesion 6
Spinal cord injury of the thoracic spine without vertebral lesion 6
Spinal cord injury of the lumbar spine without vertebral lesion 6
Spinal cord injury of the sacral spine without vertebral lesion 6
· Damage to the roots and rachidian plexus
Damage to one or more cervical roots 4
Damage to one or more thoracic roots 4
Damage to one or more lumbar roots 4
Damage to one or more sacral roots 4
Damage to the brachial plexus 6
Damage to the lumbosacral plexus 6
· Other impairments of the spine
Herniated cervical disc 5
Herniated thoracic, lumbar or lumbosacral disc 5
Acquired spondylolisthesis 4
Title VI: Right Upper Limb
Title VII: Left Upper Limb
Severity Rating
· Amputations
Amputation of a thumb 5
Amputation of finger(s) other than the thumb 5
Amputation of the arm or hand
(excluding the isolated amputation of finger(s) or thumb) 6
· Musculotendinous impairment
Rotator cuff syndrome 3
Rupture of the rotator cuff 4
Tendinitis of the elbow 3
Tendinitis of the wrist 3
· Burns see Title XI: Surface
· Contusions where skin is not broken
see Title XI: Surface
· Sprains
Acromioclavicular sprain 3
Shoulder sprain 3
Elbow sprain 3
Wrist sprain 3
Hand sprain 2
· Fractures
Clavicle fracture 4
Scapula fracture 4
Fracture of the upper epiphysis of the humerus 5
Diaphyseal fracture of the humerus 4
Inferior epiphyseal fracture of the humerus 5
Superior epiphyseal fracture of the radius and/or ulna 5
Diaphyseal fracture of the radius and/or ulna 4
Inferior epiphyseal fracture of the radius and/or ulna 5
Fracture of the carpus 4
Fracture of one or more metacarpals 4
Fracture of one or more phalanges of the fingers 3
· Dislocations without fracture
Shoulder dislocation 4
Elbow dislocation 4
Dislocation of the wrist 4
Finger dislocation (one or more) 3
· Wounds
Traumatic arthrotomy of the elbow 4
Wound(s) without damage to tendons see Title XI: Surface
Wound(s) to arm, excluding wrist and hand,
with damage to tendons 4
Wound(s) to wrist, hand and/or fingers with damage to tendons 5
· Nerve damage
Damage to the circumflex nerve 4
Damage to the median nerve 4
Damage to the ulnar nerve 4
Damage to the radial nerve 4
Damage to the musculocutaneous nerve of the arm 3
Damage to the cutaneous nerves of the arm 3
Damage to the collateral palmar nerves (digital nerves) 3
· Blood vessel damage
Damage to the blood vessels in the arm
(axillary, brachial, radial, cubital) 4
· Superficial injuries see Title XI: Surface
Cutaneous foreign bodies see Title XI: Surface
Title VIII: Right Lower Limb
Title IX: Left Lower Limb
Severity Rating
· Amputations
Amputation of toes 4
Amputation of the leg, excluding the isolated amputation of toe(s) 6
· Musculotendinous impairment
Tendinitis of the hip 3
Tendinitis of the knee 3
Tendinitis of the ankle and/or foot 3
· Impairment of menisci
Tear of one or more menisci of the kne 3
· Burns see Title XI: Surface
· Contusions where skin is not broken
see Title XI: Surface
· Sprains
Hip sprain 3
Knee sprain 3
Ankle sprain 3
Foot sprain 2
Sacroiliac sprain 3
Pelvic sprain (pubic symphysis) 3
· Fractures
Fracture of the acetabulum 5
Fracture of the pubis 4
Fracture of the ilium and/or ischium 4
Multiple fractures of the pelvis 5
Fracture of femoral neck 5
Diaphyseal fracture of the femur 5
Inferior epiphyseal fracture of the femur 5
Fracture of the patella 4
Superior epiphyseal fracture of the tibia and/or fibula 5
Diaphyseal fracture of the tibia and/or fibula 4
Ankle fracture 4
Calcaneal fracture 4
Fracture of the talus 4
Fractures of other bones of the tarsus and/or metatarsus 4
Fracture of one or more phalanges of the toes 3
· Dislocations without fracture
Dislocation in the pelvis 4
Dislocation of the hip 5
Dislocation of the patella 3
Dislocation of the knee 6
Dislocation of the ankle 4
Dislocation of the foot 3
· Wounds
Traumatic arthrotomy of the knee 4
Traumatic arthrotomy of the ankle 4
Leg wound, without damage to tendons see Title XI: Surface
Leg wound, with damage to tendons 4
· Nerve damage
Damage to the sciatic nerve 5
Damage to the crural nerve 4
Damage to the posterior tibial nerve 4
Damage to the common fibular nerve 4
Damage to the cutaneous nerves of the leg 3
· Blood vessel damage
Damage to the common and/or superficial femoral artery 6
Damage to the femoral and/or saphenous veins 4
Damage to popliteal blood vessels 4
Damage to tibial blood vessels 4
· Superficial injuries see Title XI: Surface
Cutaneous foreign bodies see Title XI: Surface
Title X: Psychic System*
Severity Rating
Anxiety 2
Reactive depression 4
Acute reactive state resulting from a difficult situation 4
Neurosis or psychoneurosis 4
Title XI: Total Body Surface
Severity Rating
· Burns
Head, face and neck
Burn to the cornea or conjunctival sac see Title II: Face
Unspecified burn to the eye and its adjacent structures 2
Burn to the eyelid and/or periocular region 2
First-degree burn to the head and/or neck 2
Second-degree burn to the head and/or neck 3
Deep second-degree burn to the head and/or neck 4
Third-degree burn to the head and/or neck 5
Internal burn to the larynx, trachea and/or lung
see Title III: Thorax
First-degree burn to the trunk 2
Second-degree burn to the trunk 3
Deep second-degree burn to the trunk 4
Third-degree burn to the trunk 5
First-degree burn to an arm 2
Second-degree burn to an arm 3
Deep second-degree burn to an arm 4
Third-degree burn to an arm 5
First-degree burn to a leg 2
Second-degree burn to a leg 3
Deep second-degree burn to a leg 4
Third-degree burn to a leg 5
Multiple or extensive burns
Burn(s) covering less than 10% of the body
see the specific region
Burns covering 10% to 19% of the body 6
Burns covering 20% to 29% of the body 6
Burns covering 30% to 39% of the body 6
Burns covering 40% to 49% of the body 6
Burns covering 50% to 59% of the body 6
Burns covering 60% to 69% of the body 6
Burns covering 70% to 79% of the body 6
Burns covering 80% to 89% of the body 6
Burns covering 90% to 99% of the body 6
· Contusions where skin is not broken
Multiple-site contusions 1
Head - face and neck
Contusion of the face, scalp and/or neck 1
Contusion of the eyelid and/or the periocular region 1
Contusion of orbital tissue see Title II: Face
Contusion of the eyeball see Title II: Face
Breast contusion 1
Contusion of the front chest wall 1
Contusion of the abdominal wall 1
Contusion of the posterior wall of trunk 1
Contusion of genital organs 2
Multiple contusions to the trunk 1
Arm contusion(s) 1
Leg contusion(s) 1
· Foreign bodies
Cutaneous foreign bodies see Superficial injuries
· Wounds
Multiple-site wounds 2
Head, face and neck
Tear of the eyelid and/or periocular region, without
impairment of the lacrimal ducts 2
Tear of the eyelid with impairment of the lacrimal ducts
see Title II: Face
Head wound, excluding face 2
Facial wound 2
Outer ear injury 2
Wound of the tympanum and/or eustachian tube
see Title II: Face
Eyeball wound see Title II: Face
Penetrating orbital wound see Title II: Face
Neck wound 2
Wound of the front chest wall 2
Wound of the posterior wall of the trunk 2
Wound of external genital organs 3
Wound of the front and/or side abdominal wall 2
Wound of the perineum 2
Vaginal wound see Title IV: Abdomen and Pelvic Contents
Arm wound(s) with tendon impairment
see Titles VI - VII: Upper Limbs
Arm wound(s) 2
Leg wound(s) with tendon impairment
see Titles VIII - IX: Lower Limbs
Leg wound(s) 2
· Superficial injuries
(abrasions, scratches, friction burns, foreign body (splinter)
without major wound)
Superficial injury to the face, neck and/or scalp 1
Superficial injury to the trunk 1
Superficial injury to an arm 1
Superficial injury to a leg 1
Superficial injuries at multiple sites 1
Title XII: Complications
Severity Rating
Interference with integrity resulting in death (more than 24 hours
after the criminal offence) 6
Stroke 6
Cardiopulmonary arrest 6
Traumatic shock (hypovolemic shock) 6
Post-operative shock 6
Coagulopathy 4
Peripheral vascular complications 4
Volkmann’s ischemic contracture 5
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy 6
Cerebral embolism 6
Pulmonary embolism 6
Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema 3
Psychotic state 4
Myocardial infarction 6
Infection of a wound 3
Post-operative infection 5
Lung failure 6
Kidney failure 5
Carbon monoxide poisoning 2
Pulmonary edema 5
Acute pericarditis 6
Compartmental syndrome 5
Paroxysmal tachycardia 6
Peptic ulcer 4