P-42, r. 9 - Artificial Insemination of Domestic Cattle Regulation

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9. A permit holder shall have the following separate facilities in order to carry out the activities covered by section 7:
(1)  a barn for bulls in service, in a proving program or awaiting program results;
(2)  a quarantine area for bulls upon arrival;
(3)  an isolation area for sick bulls or bulls suspected of illness;
(4)  a room for the collection of semen;
(5)  a laboratory for the conditioning of semen;
(6)  a room for the conservation of semen;
(7)  office space;
(8)  for employees who come into contact with bulls, a room containing:
(a)  a sink;
(b)  a shower;
(c)  a toilet;
(d)  a locker for each employee;
(e)  a container for soiled clothes;
(9)  for other employees, a room containing:
(a)  a sink;
(b)  a toilet;
(c)  a container for soiled clothes;
(10)  a room for storing bedding and animal feed;
(11)  an area for storing soiled bedding.
O.C. 690-88, s. 9.