P-42, r. 9 - Artificial Insemination of Domestic Cattle Regulation

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45. Immediately after each insemination, a permit holder shall record the following particulars for himself, the owner of the animal and the semen collection permit holder:
(1)  the date and place of insemination;
(2)  the name and address of the breeder and the name of the permit holder or the permit number;
(3)  the breed, name and registration or identification number of the animal inseminated and of the bull that provided the semen;
(4)  the name and address of the establishment where the semen was produced or its international code number;
(5)  the indications and inscriptions found on the semen vial used;
(6)  in the case of a reinsemination, the date of the previous insemination, the serial number of the document certifying such insemination and the registration number and code of the bull and of the establishment that provided the semen used;
(7)  the serial number of the document in which such particulars are entered.
O.C. 690-88, s. 45.