6. The dismantling, replacement, repair or maintenance of a section of 2 km or less of a cable, underground pipe or electric power line is allowed in the following circumstances:(1) the work is carried out within the right of way of the cable, of the pipe or line; where encroachment outside the right of way is required, the total width of the encroachment must not exceed 15 m;
(2) the work is supervised by an agrologist;
(3) the work does not hinder the agricultural drainage capacity of the lot and adjacent lots;
(4) the layer of topsoil removed at the beginning of the work is set aside to be reused during restoration;
(5) the top part of the cable, of the pipe or, where applicable, of the electric power line is buried at least at the same depth as it was before the work;
(6) the cable, the pipe or, where applicable, the electric power line is covered at the end of the work by a layer of inert soil on which a layer of topsoil is uniformly spread and the ground of the site and its access roads is then cleaned, in-depth decompacted, levelled and rehabilitated to its former condition.