4. The carbon intensity of low‑carbon‑intensity fuel content and the reference carbon intensity for gasoline and diesel fuel are determined using the GHGenius software, version 4.03c, available on request from Environment and Climate Change Canada at ec.modeleacvcarburant‑fuellcamodel.ec@canada.ca, in compliance with the conditions provided for in this Division.
For the purposes of this Division, “software” used alone means the software referred to in the first paragraph.
When using the software, the value “2” corresponding to the values for 2007 as global warming potential of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change must be selected in cell B6 identified “GWP selector” in the sheet “Input”. For transportation in Québec, a value of “80” must be entered in line 96 identified “Truck” in the sheet “Input” in the column corresponding to the type of low‑carbon‑intensity fuel content concerned. For hydroelectricity delivered, a value of “7000” must be entered in line 28 identified “g-CO2-eq/GJ-delivered” in column J identified “hydro” in the sheet “Elec Emissions”.
2021-006M.O. 2021-006, s. 4.