12. The municipality shall pay the amount required to the Minister in 2 equal instalments. Notwithstanding section 3, the whole part of the decimal number representing the amount of the second payment shall not be increased by 1.
The instalments shall be made not later than 30 September and 1 December, respectively, following the sending of the request for payment. The municipality may, however, pay the amount required in a single instalment not later than 30 September following the sending of the request for payment.
If the Minister sends a request for payment after 31 March that is not a correction to reduce the amount required in a previous request, the dates of 30 September and 1 December referred to in the second paragraph shall be replaced by the last day of the 3rd and 7th months, respectively, following the month in which the request is sent.
O.C. 497-2002, s. 12; 567-2020O.C. 567-2020, s. 211; 771-2021O.C. 771-2021, s. 211.