Functional Area Indicator Definition Formula
and Municipal
Road Cost per kilometre Cost of municipal Cost of municipal
transportation of road right-of-way roadwork per roadwork
kilometre of road Number of kilometres
right-of-way. of road right-of-way
Municipal roads
(a) operating costs
- services provided;
(b) operating costs
+ amortization -
services provided
Road Cost per kilometre Cost of snow removal Cost of snow removal
transportation of road right-of-way per kilometre of road Number of kilometres
right-of-way owned by of road right-of-way
the municipality. cleared
Snow removal
(a) operating costs
- services provided;
(b) operating costs
+ amortization -
services provided
Environmental Percentage of breaks Percentage of breaks Number of breaks
health per 100 km in the waterworks per x 100
of pipe kilometre of water Number of kilometres
Water supply, main, excluding of water main
treatment and breaks on service
distribution lines.
Cost of water Cost of drinking water Cost of drinking
distribution per distribution in water distribution
kilometre of pipe relation to the number Number of kilometres
of kilometres of of water main
water pipes owned by
the municipality.
(a) operating costs
- services provided;
(b) operating costs
+ amortization -
services provided
Cost of supply and Cost assumed by the Cost of drinking
treatment per cubic municipal body for water supply and
metre of water treating 1 m3 of treatment
water and for Total number
water supply. of cubic metres of
treated water
(a) operating costs;
(b) operating costs
+ amortization
Cost of distribution Cost assumed by the Cost of drinking
per cubic metre municipal body for water distribution
of water the distribution Number of cubic
of one cubic metre metres of water
of drinking water. flowing through the
(a) operating costs
- services provided;
(b) operating costs
+ amortization -
services provided
Environmental Cost of treatment Cost price for Cost of wastewater
health per cubic metre of treating one cubic treatment
wastewater metre of wastewater. Number of cubic
metres of wastewater
Wastewater treated by the water
treatment purification station
and sewer systems
(a) operating costs;
(b) operating costs
+ amortization
Cost of the system Cost for the sewer Cost for sewer
per kilometre of system per kilometre systems
pipe of sewer main, Number of kilometres
excluding service of sewer mains
(a) operating costs
- services provided;
(b) operating costs
+ amortization -
services provided
Overall Percentage of debt Percentage of Financing costs +
financial health service financing costs and long-term debt
long-term debt Repayment x 100
repayment in relation Operating costs +
to operating costs long-term debt
and the amount of repayment
long-term debt
Percentage of Percentage of total Total net long-term
indebtedness net long-term indebtedness x 100
indebtedness in Net value of fixed
relation to the value assets + value of
of fixed assets and properties to be
of properties to be resold
Human resources Training effort per Number of training Number of training
employee hours paid in hours
relation to persons/ Persons/year
Percentage of Percentage of Training cost x 100
training cost training cost in Total remuneration
in relation to total relation to total
remuneration remuneration.
Average duration of Average duration of Number of hours of
employment injuries absence from work absence from work
of employees for for employment
employment injuries. injuries
Number of employment
Potential retirement Percentage of Number of potential
rate potential retirements retirements within
within 5 years after the next 5 years
31 December of the x 100
fiscal year concerned Number of regular
in relation to the employees
total number of regular