30. The director responsible for investigations is authorized to sign(1) any certificate of authority authorizing a person to act as an inspector pursuant to section 72 of the Act;
(2) any document ordering the performance of the work necessary to make premises or equipment compliant or prohibiting access to the premises or equipment until the situation is corrected pursuant to section 74 of the Act;
(3) any document relating to the suspension or cancellation of an inspector’s decision pursuant to section 75 of the Act;
(4) any document authorizing access to premises or play equipment that are no longer a hazard and authorizing the removal of any seals pursuant to section 77 of the Act;
(5) any certificate of authority designating a person to act as an investigator pursuant to section 80 of the Act;
(6) any document relating to the designation of a person responsible for imposing administrative penalties pursuant to section 101.3 of the Act;
(7) any document relating to evacuation and closure of a facility where activities requiring a permit or recognition are carried on without a permit pursuant to section 120 of the Act; and
(8) any notice or other document intended for a person who has filed a complaint for reprisal pursuant to sections 101.33 and 101.27, 101.28 or 101.29 of the Act.