M-13.1, r. 2 - Mining Regulation

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73. The report of exploration work and examination of outcrops of rock and boulders shall describe the work carried out, include the analytical results obtained and be presented on the form supplied by the Minister entitled “Simplified mining work report”.
The report of exploration work and examination of outcrops of rock and boulders shall include, where applicable, as schedules, the geological, geophysical, geochemical or other maps listed on the form referred to in the first paragraph, established to a scale that makes it possible to locate the work.
The report shall be signed by a qualified professional under whose supervision the exploration and examination work was carried out where the amount spent for all the work, declared and reported during a given term, exceeds $5,000 per mining right, and shall include the work declaration form, duly completed, supplied by the Minister.
The amount of the exploration and examination work shall be calculated regardless of the fact that it may have been carried out as prospecting work or property examination.
O.C. 1042-2000, s. 73.