2. In this Regulation,(1) “specialized nurse practitioner student” means a nurse:(a) who is registered in a graduate-level training program leading to a degree granting access to a specialist’s certificate issued by the Order;
(b) who is required to take training for the purpose of obtaining equivalence in accordance with the Règlement sur les normes d’équivalence de diplôme ou de la formation aux fins de la délivrance d’un certificat de spécialiste de l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec pour l’exercice des activités visées à l’article 36.1 de la Loi sur les infirmières et les infirmiers (chapter I-8, r. 15.2);
(1.1) “specialized nurse practitioner candidate” means a nurse who is eligible to sit the specialty examination corresponding to the specialty concerned, as set out in Division III;
(2) (paragraph revoked).
The costs payable under this Regulation are those prescribed by the board of directors of the Order, pursuant to paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26).
O.C. 997-2005; O.C. 669-2007, s. 1; O.C. 79-2014, s. 2.