Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child is aged 1 or over, has an ocular disease and has a visual acuity of 6/21 or less in binocular vision after appropriate optical correction;
(b) the child has a field of vision for both eyes of less than 60 degrees at the widest diameter, measured by focusing on a central point, in binocular vision after appropriate optical correction.
Assessment parameters
Visual acuity must be measured in both eyes simultaneously, after correction with appropriate refractive lenses.
The method used to measure visual acuity must be specified in the expert’s report.
The validity and reliability of the assessment, for both visual acuity and the fields of vision, must be specified in the expert’s report. The assessment must reflect the child’s visual abilities and the results must not be influenced by behavioural or cognitive difficulties.
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child has an average air conduction threshold (500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz) greater than 70 dB in his or her better ear without a hearing aid or a cochlear implant;
(b) the child is less than 6 years of age and has an average air conduction threshold (500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz) greater than 40 dB in his or her better ear without a hearing aid.
Assessment parameters
The hearing assessment must be carried out by an audiologist and comply with the applicable standards of practice. The audiogram indicates the hearing threshold of pure sounds at 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz for both ears and the results are indicated in dBeHL. The validity of the assessment must be specified in the audiologist’s report.
The assessment must reflect the child’s usual abilities. In the case of conductive hearing loss, the hearing loss resulting from it must not be temporary, as it is the case for otitis. In the case of progressive hearing loss, more than one audiogram may be required.
A child with an auditory processing disorder is not presumed to be handicapped due to hearing.
1.3 | Musculoskeletal system |
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child is less than 5 years of age, has significant motor disabilities secondary to an impairment and his or her gross or fine motor skills are less than those of the average healthy child half his or her age;
(b) the child has had complete brachial plexus palsy persisting for at least 3 months;
(c) the child is at least 2 years of age, has paresis or plegia of one or both upper limbs and, despite the application of the recommended treatments, he or she has either
— an absence of a functional grasp regarding the affected upper limb; or
— the inability to carry out bimanual activities;
(d) the child is at least 3 years of age, has significant motor disabilities secondary to an impairmentand, as medically required for his or her condition, uses chronically and daily, for the majority of indoor and outdoor mobility, either
— fixed or articulated bilateral high ankle foot orthoses; or
— a wheelchair, a walker, bilateral quad canes or bilateral crutches;
(e) the child has an agenesis or amputation of a limb which, despite the application of the recommended treatments, is associated chronically and persistently to one of the following characteristics:
— an absence of possible weight-bearing on the ground on the distal end of the affected lower limb when standing;
— an absence of a functional grasp regarding the affected upper limb;
— the inability to carry out bimanual activities;
(f) the child has acondroplasia.
Assessment parameters
Abnormalities in muscle tone, motor control, range of motion, coordination and balance, muscular strength and endurance must be described and commented on according to the limitations they entail when maintaining positions and carrying out locomotor, exploratory and manipulative activities.
Special rules
To assess the condition of a child born prematurely in relation to his or her growth and development, the child’s age is adjusted by subtracting the number of weeks of prematurity, until the age of 36 months.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph d, the expected duration of the treatments specified must be at least one year at the frequency indicated.
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child has a chronic respiratory disease and, despite optimal treatment in accordance with the applicable standards of practice, he or she has complications related to his or her disease that required treatment within the last 12 months, either
— at least 3 episodes of oral or intravenous glucocorticoid administration; or
— at least 3 hospitalizations of 48 hours or more each;
(b) the child was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis or ciliary dyskinesia and either
— has a FEV1 at 60% or less of the predicted value; or
— due to chronic respiratory symptoms, he or she receives nebulizer treatments chronically and daily and requires respiratory physiotherapy treatments chronically and daily;
(c) the child has a restrictive syndrome that reduces his or her vital capacity to 50% or less of the predicted value;
(d) the child is less than 12 years of age and uses a CPAP machine daily at home;
(e) the child undergoes oxygen therapy daily at home;
(f) the child uses a BPAP machine or a high-flow nasal cannula therapy daily at home;
(g) the child has a tracheotomy or a tracheostomy;
(h) the child is on the waiting list for a lung transplant or has received one.
Assessment parameters
In the case of an asthmatic child, the fact that asthma is inadequately controlled must be demonstrated in the medical report, using measures appropriate for the child’s age, including information on the frequency of daytime and nighttime symptoms, tolerance to physical activity, frequency of rescue bronchodilator needs, peak expiratory flow variability, and results of bronchial provocation tests and respiratory function tests.
When respiratory physiotherapy is prescribed, the type and frequency must be specified in the medical report.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraphs b and c, FEV1 and vital capacity measurements should be carried out when the condition is stable, without any infection or acute decompensation.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph h for a child placed on the transplant waiting list, he or she must have been placed on the list after being assessed by a transplant team.
Special rules
The expected duration of the treatments specified must be at least one year at the frequency indicated.
Hospitalizations during the child’s first 6 months of life are not taken into account when calculating the number of hospitalizations in the presumption that refers to symptomatic chronic respiratory diseases despite optimal treatment in accordance with the applicable standards of practice.
Daily chronic nebulizer treatments refer to daily treatment throughout the year, not only during periods of respiratory exacerbations.
1.5 | Cardiovascular function |
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child chronically takes antivitamin K anticoagulants following a valve replacement surgery with mechanical prosthesis;
(b) the child is less than 3 years of age and he or she has a congenital heart disease that requires palliation by the creation of univentricular physiology;
(c) the child has either a post-correction or post-palliation status congenital heart defect, or a chronic non-congenital heart disease and, despite the application of the recommended treatment, he or she is in one of the following situations:
— he or she has a resting baseline saturation in room air below 92% chronically and persistently;
— he or she has a left ventricular ejection fraction that remains chronically and persistently below 30%;
(d) the child has symptomatic chronic pulmonary hypertension for which he or she undergoes a long-term vasodilator treatment daily;
(e) the child receives intravenous inotropes at home;
(f) the child uses a ventricular assist device at home;
(g) the child is on the waiting list for a heart transplant or has received one.
Assessment parameters
The medical report must include the level of activity that triggers cyanosis, dyspnea or tachycardia and the medically prescribed activity restrictions.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph c, it must be repeatedly shown by recognized assessment measures that the ejection fraction remains below 30%.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph g for a child placed on the transplant waiting list, he or she must have been placed on the list after being assessed by a transplant team.
Special rule
The expected duration of the treatments specified must be at least one year at the frequency indicated.
The child who has a heart defect or a heart disease without receiving active treatments, involving only medically prescribed restrictions or limitations in playing sports, is not presumed to be handicapped due to the cardiovascular function.
1.6 | Nervous system abnormalities |
Presumed case of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 if the child has drug-resistant epilepsy and, despite the application of optimal treatment, he or she is in one of the following situations:
(a) he or she required, in the last 12 months, at least 3 hospitalizations of 48 hours or more, each related to his or her epilepsy;
(b) he or she has generalized tonic-clonic seizures or seizures with loss of postural tone resulting in a fall, at a frequency equivalent to or greater than at least once a month for 3 consecutive months;
(c) he or she has epileptic seizures at a frequency equal to or greater than at least once a week for 3 consecutive months;
(d) classic ketogenic diet, managed by a multidisciplinary team specializing in neurology, is medically required to treat his or her epilepsy.
Assessment parameter
The assessment report must include the type, duration and frequency of the epileptic seizures, as well as the various past treatment attempts and the results obtained.
1.7 | Nutrition and digestion |
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child receives daily enteral nutrition at home, either gastric or jejunal;
(b) the child receives a parenteral nutrition at home;
(c) the child is less than 3 years of age and underwent surgery for a high-type anorectal congenital malformation or for Hirschsprung disease;
(d) the child has neurogenic bowel secondary to a spinal cord injury, and chronically receives medically prescribed retrograde intestinal irrigations, at least every 2 days;
(e) the child chronically receives medically prescribed antegrade intestinal irrigations through a stoma, at least every 2 days, related to fecal continence problems;
(f) the child has a colostomy or ileostomy;
(g) the child is on the waiting list for a liver or intestinal transplant or has received one;
(h) the child follows a prescribed gluten-free diet related to diagnosed celiac disease.
Assessment parameters
In the case of an anorectal malformation, the specific type of malformation must be indicated in the assessment report.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph g for a child placed on the transplant waiting list, he or she must have been placed on the list after being assessed by a transplant team.
Special rule
The expected duration of the treatments specified must be at least one year at the frequency indicated.
1.8 | Renal and urinary functions |
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child is aged 5 or over and, despite the application of the recommended treatments, his or her daytime urinary incontinence occurs daily, requiring care and the use of incontinence products;
(b) the child uses a urinary catheter daily;
(c) the child has a vesicostomy or ureterostomy;
(d) the child has a chronic kidney disease and, despite the application of the recommended treatment, he or she has chronic kidney disease (stage 4 or over), with a glomerular filtration rate less than 30 ml/min/1.73 m2;
(e) the child undergoes dialysis on a regular basis;
(f) the child is on the waiting list for a kidney transplant or has received one.
Assessment parameters
In the case of a child diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, the glomerular filtration rate and the stage of the chronic kidney disease must be specified in the assessment report.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph f for a child placed on the transplant waiting list, he or she must have been placed on the list after being assessed by a transplant team.
Special rule
The expected duration of the treatments specified must be at least one year at the frequency indicated.
1.9 | Metabolic, hematological or hereditary abnormalities |
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and, in the last 12 months, he or she required a daily pancreatic enzyme supplements treatment and therapeutic interventions related to documented pulmonary complications;
(b) the child has been diagnosed with inborn errors of metabolism resulting in a deficit of an essential metabolite, an accumulation of toxic metabolites, insufficient energy production or a deficiency in the synthesis or catabolism of complex molecules, and
— despite the application of the recommended treatment, the child is at a high risk of developing, in connection with that diagnosis, severe metabolic decompensation, within the next year as a result of physical or metabolic stress, requiring emergency medical intervention, and the risk will persist over the next few years;
— the diagnosis requires a diet of proteins, lipids or carbohydrates of a particular type or in closely monitored proportions, which prevents him or her from eating like those around him or her, and failure to adhere to the diet could have serious consequences for his or her health or development; or
— the diagnosis is associated with severe multisystem involvement that will persist despite the application of the recommended treatment, and that has been present from the first year of the child’s life or before the diagnosis was made;
(c) the child is less than 7 years of age and has sickle cell disease related to HbSS, HbSC or HbSß-thalassemia hemoglobinopathies;
(d) the child has hemophilia with Factor VIII or IX activity of less than 1% and requires an intravenous administration of clotting factors chronically at least once a week;
(e) the child requires daily continuous insulin therapy or multiple daily insulin injections, as well as necessary diabetes-related care.
Assessment parameters
In the case of a child presenting an hemoglobinopathy, the abnormal hemoglobin forms must be specified in the medical report.
In the case of a child presenting a coagulation factor deficiency, the level of the deficient factor must be specified in the medical report.
Special rules
The expected duration of the treatments specified must be at least one year at the frequency indicated.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph a, an uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection does not represent a pulmonary complication, and preventive respiratory physiotherapy following a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is not considered a therapeutic intervention related to documented pulmonary complications.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph e, a once-daily injection of long-acting or ultra-long-acting insulin is not considered to be continuous insulin therapy.
A child with a metabolic abnormality that is corrected by medication, a vitamin, a dietary supplement or the simple exclusion of a food is not presumed to be handicapped due to the metabolic abnormality.
1.10 | Immune system abnormalities and neoplasia |
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child has food allergies and
— follows a strict avoidance diet for at least 3 of the following allergen groups and one of which is cow’s milk:
– cow’s milk;
– eggs;
– peanuts and nuts;
– wheat, barley, oats and rye;
– other selected cereals: corn, rice and buckwheat;
– soya;
– other selected legumes: green peas, yellow peas, lentils and chickpeas,
– mustard;
– sesame;
– beef;
– chicken;
— follows a strict avoidance diet for at least 3 of the allergen groups listed above and the risk of systemic reaction at a very low dose requiring the administration of epinephrine is present and demonstrated for a least 1 of the allergens; or
— follows a strict avoidance diet for at least 4 of the allergen groups listed above;
(b) the child has significant prolonged immunosuppression related to a condition or treatment and, despite the application of the recommended treatment, has required at least 3 hospitalizations of 48 hours or more each in the last 12 months related to his or her immunosuppression or his or her underlying disease;
(c) the child has solid or hematological cancer requiring radiotherapy or oral or parenteral chemotherapy treatments;
(d) the child is on the waiting list for a stem cell transplant or has received one in the last 12 months.
Assessment parameters
In the case of a child presenting neoplasia, the assessment report must specify the type of neoplasia, the stage of the disease, the treatment plan and the response to treatment.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph a, the medical report must include the clinical history with a detailed description of the signs and symptoms of previous allergic reactions, the interpretation of allergy test results for the allergens that are still causing problems, the progress of desensitization when such treatment is underway, and the level of avoidance required in the diet for the allergens that are still causing problems.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph d for a child placed on the transplant waiting list, he or she must have been placed on the list after being assessed by a transplant team.
Special rules
The expected duration of the treatments specified, including avoidance diets, must be at least one year at the frequency indicated.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph a, the following special rules apply:
— the strict avoidance diet must be prescribed by a physician following an assessment confirming a medical condition for which the severity of the reactions requires such a diet on a long-term basis;
— an avoidance diet is considered to be strict only when the child must avoid all traces of the allergen;
— a child is not considered to require a strict avoidance diet regarding eggs if he or she can tolerate cooked eggs as part of the ingredients in a mixture;
— food intolerance is not considered a condition requiring a strict avoidance diet for the food in question;
— a child undergoing desensitization who is under maintenance dose for an allergen is no longer considered to require a strict avoidance diet for that allergen;
— the very low dose mentioned refers to the lowest average trigger dose that causes a reaction in 5% of the population allergic to that allergen, or the ED05 value, as specified following a literature review by an international panel of experts.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph b, hospitalizations during the child’s first 6 months of life are not taken into account when calculating the number of hospitalizations.
1.11 | Congenital malformations and chromosomal and genetic abnormalities |
Presumed case of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 if the child has a non-mosaic autosomal chromosome trisomy.
Assessment parameters
The result of the cytogenetic analysis, such as the karyotype, QF-PCR, FISH or microarray CGH, is required.
In the case of a child presenting a syndrome in which the types of malformations or the severity of impairments are not uniform in all affected children, it is essential to provide a detailed description of the manifest impairments, the child’s abilities and disabilities, and their consequences on his or her functioning.
1.12 | Other impairments or multiple impairments |
Presumed cases of serious handicap
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child is less than 2 years of corrected age and he or she was born prematurely at 25 weeks and 6 days of gestation or less;
(b) the child receives skin care at home for a severe and generalized condition at high risk of pressure wounds, webbing and contractures;
(c) the child is undergoing chronic corticosteroid therapy, administered at least every 2 days, either orally or intravenously, in doses equal to or higher than physiologic replacement therapy doses for adrenal insufficiency.
Assessment parameter
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph a, the specific gestational age at birth must be indicated in the assessment report.
Special rule
The expected duration of the treatments specified must be at least one year at the frequency indicated.
2.1 Global developmental delay |
Presumed cases of serious handicap |
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 if the child is at least 2 years of age and less than 6 years of age and meets at least 2 of the following criteria:
(a) the child’s full scale intelligence quotient or the scale scores assessing the child’s level of cognitive development are in the 2nd percentile or below, for a confidence interval of 95%;
(b) the global scores on a test assessing the child’s global and fine motor skills are in the 2nd percentile or below; and
(c) the scores on a receptive vocabulary test normalized for the child’s population group are in the 2nd percentile or below.
The assessments must be conducted by a member of a professional order, through recognized normalized tests and in accordance with the applicable standards of practice, when the child is at least 2 years of age and less than 6 years of age.
The professional’s assessment report must contain a description of the child’s abilities and disabilities and the professional’s observations and enable Retraite Québec to rule on the validity of the scores obtained.
A child who has not been exposed on a sustained basis, for a period of at least 2 years, to the language used in the assessment tests is not presumed to be handicapped due to a global developmental delay. In that respect, a child will be considered to be exposed on a sustained basis to the language used in a test if, for at least 40% of the child’s waking hours, the child interacts with a person who is proficient in that language.
2.2 Intellectual disability |
Presumed cases of serious handicap |
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child is 6 years of age or over and has a full scale intellectual quotient of 50 or less, for a confidence interval of 95%; or
(b) the child is 6 years of age or over and meets the following criteria:
- the child’s full scale intellectual quotient is in the 2nd percentile or below, for a confidence interval of 95%;
- the assessment of the child’s adaptive behaviours shows that the score on one of the 3 components assessed among the conceptual, social and practical components, or the overall score of those 3 components, is in the 2nd percentile or below, for a confidence interval of 95%, in at least 2 of the child’s living environments.
The assessments must be conducted by a member of a professional order, through recognized normalized tests and in accordance with the applicable standards of practice, when the child is 6 years of age or over.
The professional’s assessment report must contain a description of the child’s abilities and disabilities and the professional’s observations and enable Retraite Québec to rule on the validity of the scores obtained.
A child who has not been exposed on a sustained basis, for a period of at least 2 years, to the language used in the assessment tests is not presumed to be handicapped due to an intellectual disability. In that respect, a child will be considered to be exposed on a sustained basis to the language used in a test if, for at least 40% of the child’s waking hours, the child interacts with a person who is proficient in that language.
2.3 Autism spectrum disorder |
Presumed cases of serious handicap |
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child is 2 years of age or over, has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and presents at least 4 of the following characteristics:
- the child does not use communicative gestures;
- the child does not show interest in other persons;
- the child does not respond to social smiles, even with people the child knows;
- the child does not have fun with others, even with people the child knows;
- the child does not share interests with other persons by showing or bringing objects;
- the child does not pay attention to an object that is pointed to by another person;
- the child does not respond verbally or non-verbally to verbal messages;
- the child does not imitate other people’s behaviours;
- the child does not engage in functional play;
(b) the child is 3 years of age or over, has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and does not speak;
(c) the child is at least 3 years of age and less than 6 years of age, has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and meets at least 2 of the following criteria:
- the child’s full scale intellectual quotient or the scale scores assessing the child’s level of cognitive development have a standard deviation of 1.5 or more below average;
- the global scores at a test assessing the child’s global and fine motor skills have a standard deviation of 1.5 or more below average;
- the scores of all the tests administered and assessing the receptive language have a standard deviation of 1.5 or more below average;
(d) the child is 5 years of age or over, has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and the child’s full scale intellectual quotient is in the 5th percentile or below, for a confidence interval of 95%; or
(e) the child is 4 years of age or over, has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and, despite the application of therapeutic measures recommended by members of a professional order, the child
- throws temper tantrums in his or her various living environments, and the frequency, duration and intensity of the tantrums are high and significantly exceed the norm for the child’s stage of development; or
- exhibits physically aggressive behaviours against himself or herself, or others, in his or her various living environments, the frequency and intensity of which are high and significantly exceed the norm for the child’s stage of development.
The assessment leading to the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder must be conducted when the child is 2 years of age or over. The disorder must be confirmed by an assessment report made by a member of a professional order.
The professional’s assessment report must contain a description of the child’s abilities and disabilities and the professional’s observations and enable Retraite Québec to rule on the validity of the scores obtained, if applicable.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph a, information on social communication and interactions must be corroborated by more than one source, in particular by the observations of the parents and childcare workers or school workers that are recorded in the professionals’ assessment reports and by the observations made by those professionals during their interactions with the child.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph c, the assessments must be made by a member of a professional order, through recognized normalized tests and in accordance with the applicable standards of practice, when the child is at least 3 years of age and less than 6 years of age, and the professional’s assessment report must enable Retraite Québec to rule on the validity of the scores obtained.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph d, the assessment must be made by a member of a professional order, through recognized normalized tests and in accordance with the applicable standards of practice, when the child is 5 years of age or over, and the professional’s assessment report must enable Retraite Québec to rule on the validity of the scores obtained.
For the purposes of the analysis of a case prescribed in paragraph e, information on the nature, intensity, duration and frequency of the disruptive behaviours must be corroborated by more than one source, in particular by the observations of the parents and childcare workers or school workers that are recorded in the professionals’ assessment reports and progress notes and by intervention plans at a childcare establishment, school or rehabilitation centre.
In the cases prescribed in paragraphs c and d, a child who has not been exposed on a sustained basis, for a period of at least 2 years, to the language used in the assessment tests is not presumed to be handicapped due to an autism spectrum disorder. In that respect, a child will be considered to be exposed on a sustained basis to the language used in a test if, for at least 40% of the child’s waking hours, the child interacts with a person who is proficient in that language.
Presumed cases of serious handicap |
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1 in the following cases:
(a) the child is 2 years of age or over and does not have at least 4 of the following prelinguistic skills:
- joint attention;
- motor imitation;
- oral imitation;
- use of communicative gestures;
- taking turns in communication;
(b) the child is 3 years of age or over and, in various contexts, expresses himself or herself by using isolated words, and it has been shown that the child does not understand the simple questions “who?”, “what?” and “where?” in relation to familiar objects or persons present in the immediate environment;
(c) the child is 3 years of age or over and has a persistent inability to pronounce words having 2 different syllables;
(d) the child is at least 4 years of age and less than 6 years of age, the scores obtained on formal assessment tests are corroborated by a qualitative analysis of the child’s daily language skills and
- with respect to receptive language, the child obtains scores that are equal to or below the 5th percentile on at least 3 tests normalized for the child’s population group and obtains no scores above the 5th percentile on any other test; or
- with respect to expressive language, at least 2 of the following language components are impaired:
• regarding vocabulary, the child obtains scores that are equal to or below the 5th percentile on at least one test normalized for the child’s population group;
• regarding production of sounds, the child persistently and frequently makes a wide range of mistakes that are unusual for his or her age, making the child’s speech unintelligible most of the time;
• regarding sentence structure, the child’s statements are agrammatical and do not contain more than 3 or 4 words;
(e) the child is 6 years of age or over, the scores obtained on formal assessment tests are corroborated by a qualitative analysis of the child’s daily language skills and
- with respect to receptive language, the child obtains scores that are equal to or below the 5th percentile on at least 3 tests normalized for the child’s population group and obtains no scores above the 5th percentile on any other test; or
- with respect to expressive language, at least 2 of the following language components are impaired:
• regarding vocabulary, the child obtains scores that are equal to or below the 5th percentile on at least one test normalized for the child’s population group;
• regarding production of sounds, the child persistently and frequently makes a wide range of mistakes that are unusual for his or her age, making the child’s speech unintelligible most of the time;
• regarding sentence structure, the child uses simple syntactic structures, mostly without grammatical markers, and cannot use complex syntactic structures;
(f) the child is at least 9 years of age and less than 15 years of age and the child’s oral or written language disorder delays his or her acquisition of reading and mathematics skills, with the result that they are below those of a child two-thirds his or her age;
(g) the child is at least 15 years of age and the child’s oral or written language disorder delays his or her acquisition of reading and mathematics skills, which are no longer progressing beyond the second cycle of elementary education despite continuous schooling.
The language disorder must be assessed by a speech-language pathologist in accordance with the applicable standards of practice.
A speech-language pathology report for a particular case must describe the child’s language skills for a period that may not precede the time the child reaches the minimum age prescribed for that case. The report must also describe interpreted data of the assessment of communication, speech and all the components of receptive and expressive language. The analysis is corroborated by more than one document, in particular by intervention plans at a childcare establishment, school or rehabilitation centre.
In the cases prescribed in paragraphs d and e, the 3 formal tests referred to respecting receptive language must demonstrate different aspects of comprehension. In that respect, a subtest that allows demonstrating a specific aspect of comprehension may count as a test.
In the case of children exposed to more than one language, the attending speech-language pathologist interprets the child’s language data by taking explicit account of the multilingualism context, and the following information must be on file:
- the mother tongue or tongues, the language or languages commonly used and the dominant language or languages;
- the age of exposure, and the duration and percentage of exposure, to each of the languages.
A child who is assessed only in a language he or she is learning is not presumed to be handicapped due to language disorders, unless the child has been exposed on a sustained basis to that language for a period of at least 2 years. In that respect, a child will be considered to be exposed on a sustained basis to the language he or she is learning if, for at least 40% of the child’s waking hours, the child interacts with a person who is proficient in that language.
2.5 Severe behavioural disorders |
Presumed cases of serious handicap |
A child is presumed to be handicapped within the meaning of section 1029.8.61.19R1, if the following criteria are met:
(a) the child is 4 years of age or over and exhibits at least 2 of the following behaviours:
- physical aggression against himself or herself or against other persons;
- defiance of authority that results in an obstinate refusal to follow instructions and comply with the rules in effect in the child’s environment;
- temper tantrums that significantly exceed the norm for the child’s stage of development;
- deliberate destruction of material objects;
(b) despite the application of therapeutic measures recommended by members of a professional order, the behaviours exhibited present all the following characteristics:
- high level of intensity;
- high frequency;
- consistency, that is, the behaviours exist in the child’s various living environments.
A behavioural disorder must be confirmed by an assessment report made by a member of a professional order. The professional’s assessment report must contain a description of the nature and severity of the disorder and of its academic, family and social consequences, a description of the child’s abilities and disabilities and the professional’s observations.
A child who has an attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity the symptomatology of which is controlled with medication is not presumed to be handicapped due to severe behavioural disorders.