(1) has obtained(a) a bachelor’s degree or equivalent training, excluding the university teacher training programs listed in Schedule I or Schedule II, comprising at least 45 credits in discipline training in mathematics, French studies, English studies, Hispanic studies, physical education, drama, visual arts, music, dance or in not more than 2 of the other subjects of the Basic school regulation for preschool, elementary and secondary education (chapter I-13.3, r. 8), and has earned at least 6 credits in education in a university bachelor’s or master’s degree program in teacher training, recognized since September 2001, listed in Schedule II, related to the person’s discipline training and in which the person is enrolled; or
(b) a bachelor’s degree in psychology, psychoeducation or remedial education and has earned at least 6 credits in education in a university bachelor’s or master’s degree program in education, concentration in special education, recognized since September 2001 and listed in Schedule II;